We Are Puget Sound Photo Exhibit
Harbor Wildwatch, gig Harbor, WA
May 1- August 30, 2024
The exhibit explores people, places, and wildlife through captivating images, describes human connections in the past and present, and showcases community members engaged in remarkable efforts that benefit Puget Sound. The in-person exhibit at Harbor WildWatch in Gig Harbor is designed to inspire urgent action to restore Puget Sound’s health. The interactive “Act Now” station invites people to take a pledge to preserve this vital ecosystem and the livelihoods they support by focusing on various actions from the campaign’s 10 Things You Can Do for Puget Sound.
Come discover local marine life through interactive aquarium exibits at Harbor WildWatch, an environmental education organization dedicated to inspiring stewardship for the Salish Sea through education and environmental monitoring.
You won’t want to miss this opportunity to see all these beautiful photographs!
The photo exhibit presents striking images from the book We Are Puget Sound: Discovering and Recovering the Salish Sea (Braided River, 2019); a book that features more than 20 regional photographers and showcases the many individuals working to find meaningful solutions to protect the Puget Sound’s waters, wildlife, and the human health and economic prosperity that this region supports.
The in-person photo exhibit is designed to spark urgent action to restore Puget Sound’s health for generations to come. It will engage people to join together and preserve this vital ecosystem and the livelihoods they support by focusing on various actions from the campaign’s 10 Things You Can Do for Puget Sound.
We Are Puget Sound photo exhibit continues touring around the Salish Sea. From the Seattle Aquarium to Port Townsend Marine Science Center to Tacoma Public Library to Puget Sound Estuarium and the Marine Science & Technology (MaST) Center at Highline College to the Tukwila Community Center.
Interested in hosting this exhibit in your community? Email erikal@mountaineersbooks.org
Testimonies from Venue Partners
“ “We are honored to partner with the Washington Environmental Council and Braided River to host this traveling photo exhibit about the people, places and wildlife of the Salish Sea. The exhibit complements our Future of Oceans lecture series that spotlights professional researchers and educators who are defining the challenges and seeking solutions for healthier oceans.””
“We are thrilled to partner with the Washington Environmental Council and Braided River to host this inspiring photo exhibit about the people, places, and wildlife of the Salish Sea. It is appropriate that we are hosting this exhibit at our Tukwila Community Center. Located on the banks of the Duwamish River, we are at a connecting point that leads to Elliott Bay, Puget Sound and the greater Salish Sea and all its rich cultural history and ecological importance. This exhibit is a reminder that we all can play a role in sustaining, protecting and improving our local environment for future generations.”
- Allan Ekberg, Mayor of Tukwila
The Puget Sound region is the lifeblood for urban and rural communities in British Columbia, Washington State, and fifty-plus Tribal Nations and First Nations that rely on economic opportunities, cultural significance, and a high quality of life defined by this rich inland sea. This astonishingly beautiful waterway surrounded by mountains and forests also supports resident and migrating marine life—notably two iconic, interdependent endangered species: Southern Resident orcas and Chinook salmon.
But Puget Sound’s cherished natural beauty conceals its rapidly deteriorating health after a century and a half of resource extraction, pollution, habitat loss, and impacts from climate change and development. Recovering Puget Sound and the broader Salish Sea, essential for the survival of all the human, plant, and animal communities that rely upon it, requires collaboration, innovation, and a long-term commitment.
Puget Sound is a place where freshwater streams and rivers mix with the sea. Puget Sound is a magnificent and intricate estuary, the very core of life in Western Washington. Yet it’s also a place of broader significance: rivers rush from the Cascade and Olympic mountains and Canada’s coastal ranges through varied watersheds to feed the Sound, which forms the southern portion of a complex, international ecosystem known as the Salish Sea.
Get your copy of We Are Puget Sound at the Seattle Aquarium when you visit! OR, order now from Mountaineers Books.
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Special thank you to the James M. Lea Foundation for gracious support of this exhibit.
““We’re so proud to bring forth this diverse array of images and stories that showcase it’s region’s beauty and diversity—and also inspires action to preserve it for future generations. The ‘We’ of We Are Puget Sound is all of us working together to bring our unique gifts to the table and find solutions to make the sound a healthy, intact ecosystem that all can enjoy and prosper from.””